Monday, June 25, 2007

My First Day at School!

Today Grandma and Grandpa brought me to school for the first time. I ran around like mad and almost didn't want to leave the playground until I was 'airlifted' by my lao shi. I was a bit tired at the end so I ended up crying real loud ...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Another visit to the Zoo

Papa and mommy brought us to the zoo again today. It was jolly hot, so we were in our pram most of the time. Ernie was soon snoring after all the exertion ...

Check out all the fun we had with the fishes and animals at the zoo ... not to mention at the playground afterwards!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Kai Yuen's Birthday Party

Cousin Kai Yuen celebrated his 3rd birthday today at Auntie Jiamin's house. Here are the usual suspects all lined up for the birthday song...

Everything was a mess as usual - Kelly blew out the candles for Kai Yuen so we had to relight them, and Ah Long nearly knocked me off the chair! Catch the mayhem in this clip...